A Wet Day on the Boulevard

A Wet Day on the Boulevard

The annual compendium in which this photogravure was used as the frontispiece-The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1896-was published in late 1895 (1.) by The Scovill & Adams Company of New York and additionally edited by Walter E. Woodbury, also the editor of The Photographic Times. In the December, 1895 issue of the Photographic Times, a short commentary appears regarding this famous Alfred Stieglitz photograph:

By the time this issue is published, “The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac” will be on the market. We have endeavored in this volume to eclipse all former efforts. Whether we have succeeded in this we will leave our readers to judge.
The frontispiece to the work is a magnificent photogravure reproduction of a picture by the distinguished amateur photographer, Mr. Alfred Stieglitz. It is entitled, “A Wet Day on the Boulevard.” It represents a street scene in Paris, and the effect of a wet day is remarkably well rendered. We can almost hear the rain falling as we see the people with their umbrellas, up hurrying home, casting their reflections in the watery streets. (2.)

The atelier E. C. Meinecke & Co., responsible for printing this hand-pulled photogravure which includes an umbrella remarque at left corner of image, was located at 158 Wooster street in New York City and took out a full-page advertisement in this annual.

1. Preface to volume: New York, 1895. The Editor
2. editorial notes: in: The Photographic Times: edited by Walter E. Woodbury: Photographic Times publishing Association: New York:  December, 1895: p. 363

A Wet Day on the Boulevard

Image Dimensions8.5 x 15.3 cm

Support Dimensions14.4 x 22.8 cm | .6 cm tissue guard glued lower margin print recto (Detail)