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Untitled Portrait of a Woman in ThoughtWinter at the StationStudienkopfDas Goldfisch-GlasIn measured tones subdued and low…Bausch & Lomb Optical CompanyThe Harp o’ The Four Winds-NantucketCanal bei DelftTräumereiLesende HolländerinThe Loop | Georgetown Loop Railroad- ColoradoLe Récit d’un AncienVolume Cover: Homespun EssaysAufnahme von Hauptmann Böhmer in OppelnMutter und KindA Village CornerParisNovembreCover: The Photographic Times-Bulletin : 1904WeideBouquet de grèves„ Vor dem Sturm “Portrait StudienSicilianische BriggAutumnTucked some cookies into my pocketVerlassenJournal Cover: Die Kunst in der Photographie: 1897-1903Building the Union TerminalOld Spring at West Point | Kosciuszko’s GardenPreparing Spring Flowers for MarketAuf Der LauerOld CroniesBackstrip & title page:  Photographische Mitteilungen- 1906Madone à L’EnfantCapistranoBeach With View of HarborTorii & Crane at Japanese Hill-and-Pond GardenFleurs d’Oranger“How much was that a yard ?”Fleurs des ChampsOde XXIV  ❉ | AnacreonThe OrchardMushrooms by the Sea„Rodin“    MDCCCCIKinderportratWeiẞer AusflugFrühlingsidyllColosseum InteriorLe Doigt coupéSir John Frederick William HerschelAbend In Der LaguneNettoyageAus Einem Niederoester.  DorfeCurvesSt. JohnWoman & Child on HammockHeimkehr Der FischerAt DuskThe Old HomesteadLa cigalePortrait de M. PetersLandschaftHamburger – HafenSur L’EscalierErnteÉtudeOn the Basingstoke CanalBildnis Max LiebermannSainte CécileNight-Blooming CereusThe Daguerre MonumentSturmwindPhotography Competition 1894: ShippingA Veteran of the ForestNot Oscar Wilde: Actor Henry Miller in “The Only Way”Clarence H. WhiteOur Kitchen | Ironing DayBrackenAdding Fire to the FuelAuf der DüneStudienkopfRauhfrostWashington Arch at MidnightMédaillonAu Jardin | In the GardenHedwiga Reicher: German Actress & SuffragetteGazalehThe Sweet Potato FieldLandscape in Green CarbonReadyWoman SewingNude in DarknessJapanese Hill-and-Pond Garden IslandSnow Blossoms |  Buffalo ParkMother Cooks at Point O’ Woods Long IslandKritikConstanceÉtudeGrenadiere am Wachtfeuer | Grenadiers at the WatchfireMermaid SwimmingCover: Life and NatureL’Étang D’Overmeire | Lake of DonkmeerAn Old SaltCommon Polypody | Christmas FernJeune HollandaiseEleanore

Bringing to Light the Growth and Artistic Vision of 19th & 20th Century Photography

  • L’Art Photographique: 1899-1900
  • Pictorial Photographs : A Record of the Photographic Salon of 1895
  • Photographisches Centralblatt: 1898
L’Art Photographique: 1899-1900 Pictorial Photographs : A Record of the Photographic Salon of 1895 Photographisches Centralblatt: 1898

The argument over whether photography should be considered an art form seems laughable to us today. Yet, beginning in the 1880s and lasting into the 20th century, members of amateur photographic clubs and societies the world over deemed the topic of artistic photography worthy of a decades-long shouting match. With several notable exceptions, photographic imagery in the 19th century was utilitarian in purpose—documenting people and places—and usually for a fee. Aesthetic stagnation and conformity was often the result. Market forces toward the end of the century changed this. A new syntax emerged in the language of photography with the introduction of the dry plate, advanced cameras and lenses, . . .

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