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IrisHow Things GrowFleurs d’OrangerMiroir de l’EauDriftingReliquien1908 Kodak Photographic Advertising Contest First Prize Winner, Amateur ClassCover: Life and NatureWaldlichtung | Forest ClearingNew York by NightLe Miroir L’Hiver, cinquième avenueThe MonochordHerbstzeitlosenCypress Trees on Side of RoadwayAt the Chute in the MineÉtude de Nu A L’atelierOx Cart -SunsetArthur Wesley DowThe Dice PlayersOld CroniesTwixt Night and DayUrahne, DuhnenThe Bird Cage | Misses WatsonProjet d’ÉventailMounted Rider at Fox Hunt GatheringStillebenAm Meere | By the SeaBrackenRest HavenPeter Behrens Jugendstil CalendarMaritime StudieAutomneLe DevinPortfolio Cover: Première Série:  1904Height and Light – Kathedrale in Bourges  (Frankreich)Im HafenCarollingAubrey Beardsley, Head Cradled by HandsRouenThe Disruption of the Church of ScotlandPortraitStrassenklatsch | Street GossipThe KissWoman SewingWhite Mountains, N.H. from Fryeburg MaineThe Lone LagoonUne route de campagne en hiverCäciliePortrait: Singer & Thespian Dr. Ludwig WüllnerCamera Obscura EngravingConstanceNature PrintsMme Colette WillyKritikRodin : Le PenseurTo Frank O. Cozzo: Male Nude Figure Study in ProfileKindergruppeTapisserieAm KanalEleonora DuseLe Stryge; Notre Dame.Profil PerduThe Castle GarthKünstler-studiePerfectly HappyFruits of the EarthCrépusculeAssociation Belge De Photographie: Deuxième Exposition Internationale D’Art Photographique PosterDianaLoading Sailboat with ProvisionsStudieJunges MädchenWapping“Huntress” | Harry Hemphill | Drapery DancerSanta ClausHard LuckHeimkehr Der FischerMushrooms by the SeaRedwoodsAufnahme von A. Mazourine in MoskauSibyllaHamburger – HafenReturning to the FoldBeach With View of HarborLet the Children KodakJournal Cover: Die Kunst in der Photographie: 1897-1903Am SchreibtischHis First LoveGrenadiere am Wachtfeuer | Grenadiers at the WatchfireA Stiff PullA DryadRusthall QuarryIn measured tones subdued and low…Herbstlandschaft On the DykesAufziehendes WetterHannah Leaving Samuel in TempleBolton AbbeyAufnahmen von Clarence H. White in OhioPortraitWinged Dancer on StageNymphéeFischzug

Bringing to Light the Growth and Artistic Vision of 19th & 20th Century Photography

  • L’Art Photographique: 1899-1900
  • Pictorial Photographs : A Record of the Photographic Salon of 1895
  • Photographisches Centralblatt: 1898
L’Art Photographique: 1899-1900 Pictorial Photographs : A Record of the Photographic Salon of 1895 Photographisches Centralblatt: 1898

The argument over whether photography should be considered an art form seems laughable to us today. Yet, beginning in the 1880s and lasting into the 20th century, members of amateur photographic clubs and societies the world over deemed the topic of artistic photography worthy of a decades-long shouting match. With several notable exceptions, photographic imagery in the 19th century was utilitarian in purpose—documenting people and places—and usually for a fee. Aesthetic stagnation and conformity was often the result. Market forces toward the end of the century changed this. A new syntax emerged in the language of photography with the introduction of the dry plate, advanced cameras and lenses, . . .

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