Portrait of a Boy

Portrait of a Boy

Portrait of a Boy by Ohio native and amateur photographer Elizabeth Garst Stoltz (1863-1944) was exhibited at the 1917 Alumni Exhibition at the Clarence H. White School of Photography in New York City. Records at the Library of Congress indicate Stoltz attended the White School in 1917 & 1918. (1.)

print notes recto: signed in graphite at lower right corner of primary laid tissue-paper mount: Elizabeth G. Stoltz 1917. possibly a platinum print. (waxed)

print notes verso: signed in graphite on secondary mount:

title: Portrait of A Boy.


Mrs. Elizabeth G. Stoltz
℅ Mr Clarence H. White
#230 East Eleventh St.
New York.  (this address struck through other than name)

in pen script:

233 North Main St.
Kenton Ohio
℅ Dr. W. A. Belt. (?)

provenance: Elizabeth G. Stoltz | Florida estate; purchased 2015

1. Background: Elizabeth G. Stoltz: records held in the Warren and Margo Coville Collection in the Prints & Photographs Division at the Library of Congress compiled by Kathleen A. Erwin: 2015 email to this website from LC curator Verna Curtis.

Portrait of a Boy

Image Dimensions20.1 x 15.7 cm (waxed) glued along upper margin

Support DimensionsDetail: 33.5 x 24.2 cm laid tissue-paper | 35.1 x 27.4 cm cream-colored card stock separate window over-mat opening: 23.1 x 17.0 cm