By the River

By the River

Editorial Comment for this plate:

BY THE RIVER   OUR frontispiece this week is another landscape but one of a different class from that of the “Great Falls of the Yellowstone” which embellished the preceding issue. “By the River” is one of those simple bits of nature which everywhere abound and which lend themselves so readily to the picture making possibilities of the landscapist’s camera. They are all the more charming because of their simplicity and yield the greatest satisfaction reproduced in a photograph when other more pretentious and more difficult landscapes fail to give an adequate pleasure. This particular spot was selected by Mr Ernest Edwards, President of the Photogravure Company which reproduced it, and was transferred in all its unassuming beauty to one of his faithful films, on a pleasant afternoon in the early summer of the old year, when the writer was enjoying an afternoon’s release from editorial duties with him in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Many other equally as charming bits were secured in this picturesque park that afternoon, a few of which we may later reproduce for the benefit of our readers. But we must not neglect, in our illustrations, that other nature which is human. (p. 13)

By the River

Image Dimensions10.9 x 16.5 cm Published as frontis plate for January 11, 1889 issue

Support Dimensions20.5 x 28.6 cm