Book Binding: Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie

Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie 1905

Issue #1 Details: (translated)

Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie

Edited and collaborated by Adr. Boer, F. v. Meerendonk, J. J. M.M van Den Bergh, Rusticus, Luit. L.E. W. Van Albada, W. H. IDZERDA, W. E. ASBEEK BRUSSE, W. F. F. OPPENOORTH, A.P.H. TRIVELLI, etc. etc.

Twelfth YEAR 1905.  No. 1


Published by LAURENS HANSMA, Apeldoorn.

Official Organ of the Amateur Photographers Association “Rotterdam.”



We stand again at the beginning of a new year, the 12th year of our magazine. That first January issue every year gives rise to reflection on what we did for our readers and what we can still do in the future. We look back on what lies in the past with satisfaction; for the future we are inspired with courage and ambition, filled with many plans.

For the moment not much will change; the expressions of sympathy and appreciation of our readers are the best proof to us that the path we have taken, which we see right before Us, is the right one. In 1905 we will therefore continue on that path; only we have added a new column: “Op den Uitkijk” (On the Lookout) of which the beginning is in this issue.

The formulas that we will give, are worked through by ourselves as much as possible, where this is not the case, it will be mentioned and we recommend that we receive information from the readers who have taken to testing with it. In this way everyone can help to keep our magazine important. By majority of votes it has been decided that, as far as the illustrative part is concerned, we will continue to publish a heliogravure every month, also in this trusting in the support of our best workers. We hope in general that the bond between the old acquaintances and the editors may be strengthened and that the many new readers will soon become familiar with our magazine. A good photographic year is wished to all.  The Editors and Publisher.

History: Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie  1894-1910

The Dutch photographic journal Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie (Illustrated Weekly Magazine for Photography) was published for 17 years, from 1894-1910. The masthead on the title page for yearly volumes owned by this archive indicate the “Weekblad” was the “Official Organ of the Amateur Photographers Association “Rotterdam” from at least 1903-1905, and most likely associated with the group much earlier. From 1893-1900, (1898 missing) the weekly was promoted as the Official Organ of the Nijmegen Amateur Photographers’ Association M.L. (1.)

The journal was initially published in Apeldoorn, a city in the province of Gelderland in the center of the Netherlands by Laurens Hansma from 1894-1906. Hansma, (1860-1920) according to a short biography by the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam was “an enthusiastic amateur photographer….the publisher of more than fifteen books on photography, including Kleurenfotografie, Fotografie voor den natuurliefhebber, Gomdruk and Het fotografeeren in de tropicen. Laurens Hansma is seen as an important figure in the spread of photography in the Netherlands.”

From 1907-10, the “Weekblad” was then published in Zutphen, located approximately 30 minutes southeast of Apeldoorn- also in the province of Gelderland, by W.J. Thieme & Co.

At the end of its 17th year of publication in late 1910, the journal was purchased and incorporated into the pages of the Dutch photographic journal “Lux” (geillustreerd tijdschrift voor fotografie-illustrated magazine for photography). Now published by J.R.A. Schouten, Lux (1889-1927) took on the former weekblad’s top editor, J. J. M. M. Van Den Bergh, with him joining the growing publications editorial staff.

1. List of Dutch amateur photographers and their circle before 1900: Dissertation: Mattie Boom: Doctoral degree: Erasmus University Rotterdam: “Kodak in Amsterdam The Rise of Amateur Photography in the Netherlands 1880-1910” (p. 142)