Laundry drying on the line as well as the facades of apartment buildings are reflected in a river or body of water taken somewhere in Italy.
Ferdinand Leys: 1873-1960
The following historical chronology of the photographer appears courtesy of the Directory of Belgian Photographers hosted online by Fotomuseum Antwerp. (FOMU)
Life dates
Brussels, 1873 – ?, ?- some websites state 1960-editor
1898 – 1906 Bruxelles
Ferdinand Jean Marie, ° 13.6.1873. Profession recorded as glazier in May 1902 and as tradesman on the occasion of his wedding on 26.11.1907. Pictorialist. Landscapes, foreign views. Treasurer of the “Cercle d’art photographique l’Effort”. Honorary member of the “Club d’amateurs photographes de Belgique”. Moved to Nesenbeek (Brabant) on 12.5.1909.
1898 – 1906 Bruxelles
Berlin, 1899; Caen, 1899; Ghent, 1899; Hamburg, 1899; Caen, 1901; Effort, 1901; Groningen, 1901 Kunst; Paris, 1901; Brussels, 1902; Brussels, 1902 CAPB; Effort, 1902; Paris, 1902; Turin, 1902; Antwerp (CEPSA), 1903; Budapest, 1903; Effort, 1903; Hamburg, 1903; Lille, 1903; London, 1903; Marseille, 1903; Saint Petersburg, 1903; Paris, 1903; Brussels, 1904; Effort, 1904; New York, 1904; The Hague, 1904 (no forename); London, 1904; Paris, 1904; Berlin, 1905; Effort, 1905; Genoa, 1905 (silver medal); Paris, 1905 (no forename); Vienna, 1905 (no forename); Vienna, 1905 CAM; Paris, 1906.