Merry Christmas!

Detail: “An Old-fashioned Winter”: Henry Stevens, (1843-1925) 1892, English, Woodbury Gravure: 18.3 x 12.8 | 39.0 x 28.3 cm. Vintage plate from salon portfolio: “Photographs of The Year. Descriptive Notes and Critical review of The Photographic Society’s Exhibition, 1891, by H.P. Robinson.” Published in their salon catalogue by the Photographic Society of Great Britain, Robinson comments on this photograph originally taken in 1890 from the letterpress, which features the photographer’s pet Jack Russell terrier at the front of the sleigh: …This delightful sleighing picture is good enough to make the success of the Christmas number of any illustrated paper, and we are pleased to give a reproduction of it. There is life and motion; the sleigh flies over the snow; the young lady behind, on skates, moves; and the dog in front thinks it is all done for his enjoyment. We may perhaps venture to congratulate the artist on having such charming models in his daughters.” From: PhotoSeed Archive