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Showing 1 - 24 of 296 Results
Little Peasant Girl

Little Peasant Girl

Jeanne E. Bennett
In My Studio

In My Studio

Rudolph Eickemeyer Jr.


Sarah C. Sears
An Aesthete | Baron Adolph de Meyer

An Aesthete | Baron Adolph de Meyer

Sarah C. Sears
Damenbildnis | Portrait of a Lady

Damenbildnis | Portrait of a Lady

John H. Garo
Damenbildnis | Portrait of a Lady

Damenbildnis | Portrait of a Lady

John H. Garo
La Prière | The Prayer

La Prière | The Prayer

Albert-Edouard Drains
Miss B.

Miss B.

H.P. Baily
Portrait de Mme. F. | Portrait of Mrs. F.

Portrait de Mme. F. | Portrait of Mrs. F.

Adrien Fauchier Magnan
Damenbildniss | Portrait of a Lady

Damenbildniss | Portrait of a Lady

Niels Fischer
Mrs. W | Francis Willard: Women’s Rights Activist & Temperance Reformer

Mrs. W | Francis Willard: Women’s Rights Activist & Temperance Reformer

Herbert Arthur Hess
Étude de Nu | Nude Study

Étude de Nu | Nude Study

The Countess of X

The Countess of X

David Blount
La Visite | The Visit

La Visite | The Visit

G. Oury


W. Smedley Aston
Miss Lily Hanbury

Miss Lily Hanbury

Harold Baker
La Perle Doucement  S’ Éteint et la Danse S’ Arrête | The Pearl Slowly Fades Away and the Dance Stops

La Perle Doucement S’ Éteint et la Danse S’ Arrête | The Pearl Slowly Fades Away and the Dance Stops

Pierre Dubreuil
Profil | Profile

Profil | Profile

Constant Puyo
Grave Affaire | Serious Matter

Grave Affaire | Serious Matter

Constant Puyo
Fantaisie | Fantasy

Fantaisie | Fantasy

Constant Puyo
Au Jardin | In the Garden

Au Jardin | In the Garden

Constant Puyo
La Branche Fleurie | The Flowering Branch

La Branche Fleurie | The Flowering Branch

Constant Puyo
La Vanne | The Winnows

La Vanne | The Winnows

Constant Puyo
Inquiétude | Worry

Inquiétude | Worry

Constant Puyo
1 2 3 13