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Showing 1 - 24 of 105 Results
Veluwe Interior: Artist Jan Kleintjes’s Heerde Atelier

Veluwe Interior: Artist Jan Kleintjes’s Heerde Atelier

Dr. L. Kleintjes
Portrait of Mrs. Barney |  Alice Pike Barney – American Artist

Portrait of Mrs. Barney | Alice Pike Barney – American Artist

Virginia Prall
Portrait du Sculpteur Constantin Meunier | Portrait of the Sculptor Constantin Meunier

Portrait du Sculpteur Constantin Meunier | Portrait of the Sculptor Constantin Meunier

Albert-Edouard Drains
Title Page: Sun & Shade: A Photographic Record of Events 1888

Title Page: Sun & Shade: A Photographic Record of Events 1888

George Wharton Edwards
Folder: Die Kunst in der Photographie : 1903

Folder: Die Kunst in der Photographie : 1903

Hermann Hirzel
Im Atelier | In the Studio

Im Atelier | In the Studio

G. Oury
Fountain of the Bacchanti | Wind and Spray: Anna Coleman Ladd

Fountain of the Bacchanti | Wind and Spray: Anna Coleman Ladd

Sigismund Blumann
Straatkunstenmakers | Street Artists

Straatkunstenmakers | Street Artists

H. Berssenbrugge
In De Vacantie | On Holiday

In De Vacantie | On Holiday

W. Meijer
C. Bisschop | Christoffel Bisschop

C. Bisschop | Christoffel Bisschop

W.H. Idzerda
De Beeldhouwer Jacobs | The Sculptor Jacobs

De Beeldhouwer Jacobs | The Sculptor Jacobs

B.W. Arendsen
Woodcut Column Embellishments: Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie

Woodcut Column Embellishments: Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie

Washington Landing in New York, 1789

Washington Landing in New York, 1789

Henry Brueckner, John McRae
In Disgrace

In Disgrace

Charles Burton Barber
Aubrey Beardsley, Profile View

Aubrey Beardsley, Profile View

Frederick Evans
Aubrey Beardsley, Head Cradled by Hands

Aubrey Beardsley, Head Cradled by Hands

Frederick Evans
La Daguerréotypomanie

La Daguerréotypomanie

Théodore Maurisset
A Holbein Woman

A Holbein Woman

Frances Allen, Mary Electa Allen
Horace Traubel: Roundel Portrait

Horace Traubel: Roundel Portrait

Allen Drew Cook
Pochade Club — Hackensack River

Pochade Club — Hackensack River

Chas. A. Hellmuth
Retouching Desk Operator in Photographic Studio

Retouching Desk Operator in Photographic Studio

Artist’s Studio of Allen B. Doggett

Artist’s Studio of Allen B. Doggett

Allen B. Doggett
Artist’s Studio of Allen B. Doggett

Artist’s Studio of Allen B. Doggett

Allen B. Doggett
Cleveland Museum of Art

Cleveland Museum of Art

C.L. White
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