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Showing 1 - 24 of 217 Results
Group Photo: One of the 1001 Nights Costume Party: December 17, 1896

Group Photo: One of the 1001 Nights Costume Party: December 17, 1896

James L. Breese
Group Photo: One of the 1001 Nights Costume Party: December 17, 1896

Group Photo: One of the 1001 Nights Costume Party: December 17, 1896

James L. Breese
Group Photo: One of the 1001 Nights Costume Party: December 17, 1896

Group Photo: One of the 1001 Nights Costume Party: December 17, 1896

James L. Breese
New York Socialite “Baby Belle” Neilson

New York Socialite “Baby Belle” Neilson

James L. Breese
Menu: One of the 1000 and One Nights

Menu: One of the 1000 and One Nights

Robert Lewis Reid 
Howling Breeze! and White Squall! Souvenir Night

Howling Breeze! and White Squall! Souvenir Night

On S’Amusera Ce Soir | We’ll Have Fun Tonight

On S’Amusera Ce Soir | We’ll Have Fun Tonight

Lydia Redmond
The 1002d Night

The 1002d Night

Eliot Gregory
Dancing on the Moon

Dancing on the Moon

Charles Dana Gibson
Free Beer Free Everything At Jimmy’s

Free Beer Free Everything At Jimmy’s

Harry Whitney McVickar
Baby Belle Dedication by James L. Breese: Souvenir of “One of the 1001 Nights” chéz Jimmie Breese

Baby Belle Dedication by James L. Breese: Souvenir of “One of the 1001 Nights” chéz Jimmie Breese

James L. Breese
Letterpress Label: Souvenir of “One of the 1001 Nights” chéz Jimmie Breese

Letterpress Label: Souvenir of “One of the 1001 Nights” chéz Jimmie Breese

Cover: Souvenir of “One of the 1001 Nights” chéz Jimmie Breese

Cover: Souvenir of “One of the 1001 Nights” chéz Jimmie Breese

Souvenir of One of the 1001 Nights Chéz Jimmie Breese

Souvenir of One of the 1001 Nights Chéz Jimmie Breese

Willard Leroy Metcalf
ln der Dämmerung | At Dusk

ln der Dämmerung | At Dusk

Emma Justine Farnsworth
Grenadiere am Wachtfeuer | Grenadiers at the Watchfire

Grenadiere am Wachtfeuer | Grenadiers at the Watchfire

Albert-Edouard Drains
Nach Hause | Home

Nach Hause | Home

Alfred Stieglitz


Edouard Hannon
Am Weiher | At the Pond

Am Weiher | At the Pond

Alexis Mazourine
Landschaft | Landscape

Landschaft | Landscape

Ludwig David
Weibliches Bildnis | Female Portrait

Weibliches Bildnis | Female Portrait

Comte de Pradère
Ueberschwemmung | Flooding

Ueberschwemmung | Flooding

Franz Erhardt
Radfahrerinnen | Female Cyclists

Radfahrerinnen | Female Cyclists

Carle De Mazibourg
Blumenvase | Flower Vase

Blumenvase | Flower Vase

Alexe Grahl
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