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Showing 25 - 48 of 289 Results
Barmherzigkeit | Compassion

Barmherzigkeit | Compassion

M. Allihn
Military Band: 21st Royal North British Fusiliers Regiment of Foot

Military Band: 21st Royal North British Fusiliers Regiment of Foot

James Robertson
21st Royal North British Fusiliers | Crimea 1856

21st Royal North British Fusiliers | Crimea 1856

James Robertson
Study | Two Ladies of Verona

Study | Two Ladies of Verona

James Craig Annan
Take a Kodak with You

Take a Kodak with You

Grenadiere am Wachtfeuer | Grenadiers at the Watchfire

Grenadiere am Wachtfeuer | Grenadiers at the Watchfire

Albert-Edouard Drains
Am Weiher | At the Pond

Am Weiher | At the Pond

Alexis Mazourine
Weibliches Bildnis | Female Portrait

Weibliches Bildnis | Female Portrait

Comte de Pradère
Kindermahlzeit | Children’s Meal

Kindermahlzeit | Children’s Meal

Ferdinand Coste
Studie | Study

Studie | Study

Rene Le Bègue
Studienkopf | Head Study

Studienkopf | Head Study

Maurice Bremard
An der Düne | At the Dune

An der Düne | At the Dune

Dr. Edward Arning
Mlle. Cléo de Mérode

Mlle. Cléo de Mérode

Carle De Mazibourg
Westwind | West Wind

Westwind | West Wind

Emma Justine Farnsworth
Harry Richardson Cremer

Harry Richardson Cremer

Emile Brunel
Portrait of a Young Woman

Portrait of a Young Woman

Oscar Maurer
Etude de Téte | Study of Head

Etude de Téte | Study of Head

F. Gillet
Woman wearing a Hijab

Woman wearing a Hijab

H.R. Cremer
Have and Have Not

Have and Have Not

Sigismund Blumann
New York Society Portrait

New York Society Portrait

James L. Breese
Sisters: Ellen Sturgis Hooper | Mabel H. Hooper

Sisters: Ellen Sturgis Hooper | Mabel H. Hooper

George C. Cox
Hedwiga Reicher: German Actress & Suffragette

Hedwiga Reicher: German Actress & Suffragette

Edward Curtis
Girl Throwing Stone into the Sea

Girl Throwing Stone into the Sea

A.H. Verstage
Portrait of a Woman Wearing a Shawl

Portrait of a Woman Wearing a Shawl

W.E. Dassonville
1 2 3 4 13