" Fine day in London "

PhotographerHector Colard



PortfolioTroisième Exposition d'Art Photographique - 1896

AtelierCharles Wittmann (Paris), Fillon et Heuse (Paris)


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Animals, Horses, Cityscape, Fog


Image Dimensions: 14.4 x 18.3 cm Planche X

Associated Highlights:

Photo-Club de Paris Exposition d'Art Photographique Portfolios: 1894-1897

Hector Colard, (1851-1923) was an important promoter of artistic photography in Belgium.  Besides being a member of the British Linked Ring Brotherhood and the Photo-Club de Paris, Colard translated at least three of Henry Peach Robinson’s books on photography and Alfred Horsley Hinton’s book The Art of Landscape Photography (1894).

" Fine day in London "