A Tree Study

A Tree Study

Editorial comment on this plate:

Our readers will appreciate no less the picture we present them with this issue of The Photographic Times, because it is one that comes to us without the artist’s name. The subject is simple, but of a kind that photography is peerless to depict. We are glad to see that our readers are more and more cultivating this field of photographic picture-making, which may be done with such satisfactory results. Our botanical friends will be especially interested in this “tree study,” and all will enjoy its unassuming beauty and natural charm. Let us have more of such photographs. They may be made to possess considerable scientific value as well as pictorial charm; and the season is now at hand when tree studies and kindred subjects can be made to the best advantage.

A Tree Study

Image Dimensions20.5 x 15.5 cm | published January 3, 1890 | issue No. 433

Support Dimensions28.7 x 20.5 cm