Bloemstudie | Flower Study

Bloemstudie | Flower Study

Walter Klapp: Amsterdam: dates unknown

Walter Klapp was an amateur photographer from Amsterdam listed in 1894 as a “Librarian and Member of the Board of the Amsterdam Department of the Netherlands Society for Horticulture and Botany” (1.) The same year, it was noted he and  A. M. van Schaïk, from Hilversum, have reached a height in the cultivation of Chrysanthemums that many a professional grower can envy them.” (2.) Lux, the Dutch photographic journal, lists his address as Willemsparkweg 139 in Amsterdam.

1. 28 September 1894 in Sempervirens, Organ of the Dutch Society for Horticulture and Botany. 2. Ibid: 23 November 1894, p. 571

Bloemstudie | Flower Study

Image Dimensions16.0 x 11.8 cm Plate published in 1909 compiled volume between pp. 248-249.

Support Dimensions25.1 x 16.8 cm

Print Notes

Editors note: atelier unknown: the selected: W.J. Thieme & Cie.  (Zutphen, Netherlands) is the publisher of this work and will be a placeholder for now.