Cover Maquette: Yearning for Light

Cover Maquette: Yearning for Light

Bearing the signature G Ö 23 at lower left corner of impression for Emerich Göndör 1923 when the block was first made, this linoleum cut by Hungarian artist Emery Gondor first appeared as an advertisement for the Germinal Circle art salon’s “Second Evening Exhibition of Drawings and Cuts By Emerich Gondor & F.S. Manner” (who taught commercial art at the University of London Goldsmiths’ College School of Art) which took place at the Ashburton Restaurant in London on November 28, 1923.

This artwork dated 1925 is used as the working cover maquette for Gondor’s proposed folio: Sehnsucht nach Licht (Yearning for Light) of 8 original Linoleum schnitte von Emerich Göndör (8 original Linoleum cuts by Emerich Göndör) which was to be published in Vienna, Austria but not believed to have issued other than an incomplete copy held by this archive (seven of the eight plates) as well as the full compliment (including one of the artist dated  25 in the plate) held by the Leo Baeck Institute for Jewish Studies in New York City.

Condition recto: losses to borders of secondary mount along with graphite marginalia in German on primary and secondary supports at lower right.

Cover Maquette: Yearning for Light

Image Dimensions12.7 x 11.7 cm impression

Support Dimensions20.5 x 17.0 cm unknown pasted paper | 29.8 x 24.6 cm light-weight Bristol-type board