Cover: The Photogram : 1894

Cover: The Photogram : 1894

Based in London and launched in January, 1894 by the newly-married husband/wife team of Englishman Henry Snowden Ward (1865–1911) and American Catharine Weed Ward, (1851–1913) The Photogram initially described itself as Devoted to Photographic and Photo-Mechanical Work. This image shows the cover of the first issue. The publication ran from 1894-1905. The following is the editorial statement of purpose printed in the first issue:


First. —Apology: To those whom we have more or less neglected or ignored during the preparation of The Photogram we offer apology.  Fact is, we have had but a bare five weeks to produce the magazine. At the beginning of that time we had not a single plan, a single illustration, or a single item or “copy” for the printers.  Five months would have been none too long to do the work thoroughly.  This hurry must explain many of the deficiencies in this first issue, and in the second, which must go to press immediately in order to be ready on the first of February.
Second. —Thanks: To our office staff, clerks, and others, who have worked untiringly for long hours under great strain; to the trade, both advertisers and those who will be agents for the magazine, who have helped us to start by making our first issue a financial success; and to our subscribers and contributors, whose prompt and unexpectedly hearty assistance has been invaluable, we tender most sincere thanks.
Third. —Explanation: We believe that we are stepping into a vacant place, where we are wanted. If not, we shall soon fall out.  We hope that our magazine will solve several problems in photography, and some in photo-journalism.  We have preached co-operation for some years, and are now practically testing it.  The editors and permanent staff ) with one exception) are working entirely on shares. No profit, no pay, for the main workers. We invite five hundred our our readers to take an interest, but with guaranteed advantages and no risk, unless the whole enterprise falls to pieces. Both these plans are new, and so also is our arrangement re charges for advertisements.
Fourth. —Intention: Something of this can be learned from notices on later pages; and also from the issue itself.  We believe that a technical journal should work as well as record and preach; that its staff should investigate as well as advise.
Fifth. —Acknowledgment:  In The Photogram will be seen many traces of the influence which is exerted by Mr. W.T. Stead upon all who have the privilege of working with him. For nine or ten years one of our editors has had that privilege as an assistant in many of Mr. Stead’s efforts, and the indebtedness is hereby fully and gratefully acknowledged.
Sixth. —Exhortation:  If you think The Photogram contains the germs of a good thing, help us to make it so.  We think it will be a good speculation if you apply for a £1 debenture (see inset in centre).


This first issue featured 28 pp. of editorial matter and an additional 24 pp. of advertisements.

Cover: The Photogram : 1894

Support Dimensions25.3 x 17.0 cm