Cover: The Photographic Times: 1890

Cover: The Photographic Times: 1890

This is a special Christmas number of The Photographic Times, with the wrap covers done using green art-paper and the contents including two special illustrations:  a collotype by Gutekunst: “A Kentucky Belle”, by Rudolph Eickemeyer Jr. and a hand-pulled photogravure: “December”, by Washington Irving Lincoln Adams, the editor of this journal. 1890 was the first year this cover design appeared, done by artist/photographer William Mozart of Brooklyn. This style of cover lasted from 1890-1894. Pagination for this issue: pp. 621-644. Advertising in the issue includes 7 full pages at front of issue before editorial matter and an additional 16 pages in rear of issue, with the inside back cover and back cover also advertising American Optical Company portrait cameras, the “Elite” studio stand, and on back cover: “The New Waterbuy Detective Cameras”, marketed by the Scovill & Adams Company.

Cover: The Photographic Times: 1890

Support Dimensions29.3 x 22.0 cm | Friday, December 19, 1890: Vol. XX No. 483