The Street: Joseph Stebbins House: Deerfield, MA

The Street: Joseph Stebbins House: Deerfield, MA

The Allen Sisters 1920 catalogue lists this photograph with the title The Street (Stebbins House) under the section: Group E-Old Deerfield.

From the Lost New England website, we learn about the Joseph Stebbins House pictured on the right side of this photograph underneath a canopy of Elm trees:

This house was built in 1773 by Joseph Stebbins (1718-1797) for his son, Joseph Stebbins Jr. (1749-1816). A year later, Joseph married Lucy Frary, and they raised their large family here in this house. Over the next 23 years they had 13 children: Tirzah, Charlotte, Dennis, Charlotte, Joseph, Lucy, Avice, Arabella, Caroline, Aurelia, Baxter, Mehitable, and Maria. Large families such as theirs were not uncommon in 18th century New England, but it is interesting to note that, in an era of high infant mortality rates, 11 of their 13 children managed to survive to adulthood.

Joseph Stebbins was primarily a farmer, but he also served as an officer during the American Revolution. He fought at Bunker Hill in 1775 and in the Saratoga Campaign in 1777, and he was eventually promoted to lieutenant colonel after the war. During Shays Rebellion of 1786-1787 he was part of the militia force that suppressed the rebellion here in Western Massachusetts, and in 1788 he rose to the rank of a full colonel in the state militia. (continues)


This photograph also represented by a duplicate silver developing out print (DOP) contained within a small album of ten photographs by the Allen sisters held in the Frances and Mary Allen Collection of Photographs of Deerfield, Massachusetts (PH 1). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst. The album is described as follows:

This small album contains ten photographs by Frances and Mary Allen depicting their beloved Deerfield, Mass., in the years shortly after the turn of the twentieth century. The majority of the images are artfully composed views of Deerfield Street and the colonial houses familiar to the Allens. Among these are two photos of the house the sisters inherited from their Aunt Kate Allen in 1895, which subsequently became their home and studio.


The Street: Joseph Stebbins House: Deerfield, MA

Image Dimensions15.4 x 20.5 cm

Print Notes

Verso: In graphite: (Silver print) Stebbins House  .50; ink stamp: FRANCES and MARY ALLEN,
All Rights Reserved.


Julia Ellen Rogers, Among Green Trees, A guide to Pleasant and Profitable Acquaintance with Familiar Trees, Frontis halftone: “American Elms in a New England Village Deerfield, Massachusetts“, Chicago, A.W. Mumford, Publisher, 1902