Dorothy Tucker Mounting Photographs

Dorothy Tucker Mounting Photographs

Seated on a stool, Dorothy Tucker, the young daughter of amateur photographer Charles Rollins Tucker, uses an  E. & H.T. Anthony brand Print Mounter to mount a photograph on a work table. Possibly taken for one of the yearly amateur Kodak advertising contests, the work space shows a Kodak Brownie camera at right rear, loose photographs, an album and jar of what is most likely Daisy brand mounting paste with a brush next to it. Gripping the top of the mounter, young Dorothy prepares to slide the mounter with its two rollers over a print seen just to the right of it. The initials EA for Edward Anthony, are engraved on the side of roller. The E. & H.T. Anthony firm was considered the largest manufacturer and distributor of photographic supplies in the United States during the 19th century.

print date estimated on known birth year of Dorothy Tucker. (Aug. 1899)

Title of  work provided by this archive.

Dorothy Tucker Mounting Photographs

Image Dimensions11.3 x 8.6 cm

Support Dimensions15.0 x 12.6 cm