Etude de Téte | Study of Head

Etude de Téte | Study of Head

This 3-image composite shows the original portrait, left, by French amateur photographer Fernand Gillet removed from its exhibition frame. This was done to perform minor conservation work- including cleaning, removal of an acidic backing board, and stabilization. At upper right shows portrait as it appears in original Photo Club de Paris 1903 Exhibition wood frame. Verso of frame shown at lower right.

Fernand Jules Charles Gillet: 1846-1915

When F.Gillet entered his photograph: Etude de Téte (Study of Head) in the Salon International De Photographie- Hvitième Année  1903, (International Photography Exhibition – Eighth year 1903) he was listed in the Photo Club de Paris exhibition catalogue as being a member of the following photographic organizations:

S.A.E.: Société d’Excursions des Amateurs de Photographie, (Amateur Photography Excursion Society)

S.F.P.: Societe Française de Photographie (French Society of Photography)

P.C.P.: The Photo-Club de Paris.

Professionally, Fernand Gillet was Director of the Charité Hospital in Paris, using its 47 Rue Jacob main address as his entry address on the Exhibitor listing published by the club for its salon catalogue. Gillet was also a member of the Historical Society of the 6th Arrondissement in Paris from 1898-1905, and is believed to have been mainly active as an amateur photographer in the 1890s and early 1900s.

Etude de Téte | Study of Head

Image Dimensions20.5 x 16.3 cm laid down & slightly trimmed along left margin This is a Direct Carbon (Fresson) print

Support Dimensions20.5 x 16.3 cm manila cardstock

Print Notes

Recto: Small paper exhibition label engraved 287 and stuck to l.l. corner of frame glazing; metal label: F. GILLET attached to lower frame rail. Overall dimensions of wood frame: 24.4 x 20.4 x 2.4.; slight foxing to forehead of subject on print.

Verso: Frame backing sheet with three labels: left to right: label for Paris frame shop Lemaire Fils; white label with particulars of photograph written in black ink believed to be in hand of artist: F. Gillet- Charbon Fresson-DirectEtude de Téte; white and green Photo Club de Paris label (with losses) engraved:Salon International De Photographie- Hvitième Année  1 Mai – 1 Jvin; 793 (blue editors #) 


Purchased for this archive in May, 2013 from a dealer in Pézilla-la-Rivière, France.