Hard Luck

Hard Luck

Hard Luck was reproduced as the frontis for the September 24, 1892 issue of Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin. Monks were a frequent subject for Dumont, with another complimentary photograph in this series titled “A Good Hand.”

The following editorial comment on Hard Luck appeared in the issue:

Our Illustration.

The handsome photogravure that forms the frontispiece of this issue of the Bulletin is one of those artistic efforts of Mr. John E. Dumont that have made his name famous as an amateur photographer in two continents. We are always pleased to reproduce work of this kind, and only regret that there is not more of it. Mr. Dumont is the owner of a large number of medals and trophies captured in many contests with the best photographers in the world, and we are proud to be able to give our readers another example of this fine work.

Hard Luck

Image Dimensions14.8 x 11.5 cm

Support Dimensions21.4 x 14.2 cm trimmed