Ilotype Print

Ilotype Print

Along with this elegantly mounted ILo print taken by an unknown photographer and stamped in the margin of the embossed faux frame with red sunburst ILo logo, a nearly three-page overview of the Ilotype print process was presented to readers of the August 17th issue of The Photographic Times. The editorial copy included detailed chemical manipulation information for the toning of this collodion based, gelatin silver printing out paper (POP) manufactured by the Ilotype Company of New Brighton on Staten Island, New York. Incorporated in late 1892, (American Stationer: 3.12.1896 issue) the company first began to offer ILo paper to the trade in April, 1893:

ILo Paper and Its Manufacturers. —After many months in making and arranging machinery and fixtures necessary for the manufacture of a perfect printing-out paper, in April, 1893, the Ilotype Company first offered Ilo to the trade. The product placed upon the market was the direct result of years of study and experiment on the part of Mr. Henry Kuhn, the Company’s chemist, and the inventor of Ilo paper. Ilo giving most beautiful results, and being remarkably easy to work, soon became so popular with the photographers wherever it was shown, that enlargements in the Company’s factory were soon necessary. One of the explanations of the great success achieved by Ilo is that the experimenting was done before the paper was put upon the market, and not at the expense of the long-suffering photographer. The success of the Company has certainly been phenomenal, having only been on the market for a little over a year, yet now in the so-called Eastern Territory we understand that more Ilo paper is sold than any other brand. The home of Ilo is in a large, splendidly equipped factory at New Brighton, Staten Island, and there every facility is enjoyed for turning out immense quantities of paper in perfect condition.


The policy of the Company is to introduce its goods rapidly, and to this end they keep constantly on the road in various parts of the United States from fifteen to twenty representatives,— men who are practical photographers— those who are a help to the photographer, and whom they are always glad to see,— not the riff raff who bore them to death.


In the winter of 93-94, Mr. F.M. Harrison bought out the controlling interest, and a new Board of Directors with the following officers were elected: Mr. F. M. Harrison, President; Mr. Henry Kuhn, Vice-President; Mr. Paul Harrison, Treasurer, and Mr. F. S. Noble, Secretary. Mr. F. M. Harrison, the President of the Company, and principal owner, although not yet thirty years of age, is among the representative business men of New York city; he is a member of the firm of James A. Webb & Son, largest handlers of alcohol and cologne spirits for the arts and manufactures, in the world, and as these products are the principal ingredients in the manufacture of collodion paper it gives the Ilotype Company a peculiar advantage. Mr. Harrison is interested in several different enterprises, all of which have proved notably successful, and the mere fact of his being the controlling hand in the management of the Ilotype Company insures its success Moreover, he is most ably assisted by his brother, Mr. Paul Harrison, a young man of most exceptional business ability.  (1.)

Period advertising copy for Ilotype paper in the International Annual of Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin for 1895 stated:

ILO Collodion PAPER


Prints Quicker, Is Easier To Manipulate
than Albumen, Gelatine or other Collodion emulsions, and gives by far the most beautiful results of any printing-out paper.


THE FINEST PHOTOGRAPHS in the United States are made on ILO.  This is the testimony of experts.

For Sale By Your Dealer

New Brighton, N.Y.


1. Notes: ILo Paper and Its Manufacturers: in: The Photographic Times: New York: January, 1895: p.61

Ilotype Print

Image Dimensions14.1 x 9.7 cm Aug. 17, 1894: Vol. XXV, No. 674

Support DimensionsDetail: 27.1 x 21.0 cm light yellow, moderately thick coated "oaktag" type paper