In the Valley of the Beaverkill

In the Valley of the Beaverkill

Editorial comment on this plate:

In the western part of the Catskill Mountains, with a picturesque lake for its source, rises the little stream known as the Beaverkill. Follow it to its mouth and increasing in volume as it goes it will lead you a merry chase through a rugged mountainous country where almost primeval solitude still reigns. Always bountifully supplied with trout the clear cool waters have been fished in for years by the disciples of Walton, to whom the notes of the stream as it dances gayly over the rocks in little sharps and trebles are as music to his ears; while its deep pools and eddies, as he lures the trout from the clear depths, are a delight to his eyes.
The wild surroundings tempt but a few of the class who care only to study nature from a hammock or rocking chair on the piazza of a country boarding house; so compared with other parts of the Catskills the region through which the Beaverkill flows, though replete with all the elements conducive to good work with the camera, is but little known.
The scene which Mr. Eickemeyer has here depicted is from a point overlooking the valley through which the stream flows. It is a beautiful view, and beautifully has our artist friend depicted it with his camera.
After a hot August day the sun has sunk to rest behind the distant hills and the meadow has already taken on a sombre hue. Not a leaf is stirring, no breeze sways the long stems of the wild flowers which are so comfortably sheltered from the North wind. Looking over the bed of immortelles across the valley we see rising above the hills old Mount “Touch-me-not,” as the natives call it, still dimly lit by the sun which has set for everyone but him. Such views rest and inspire us. Let us have more of them.
The reproduction is by the Photo-Gravure Company of New York.

In the Valley of the Beaverkill

Image Dimensions20.8 x 15.4 cm | published June 30, 1890 | issue No. 458

Support Dimensions28.7 x 20.5 cm