Indian Summer

Indian Summer

Editorial comment on this plate:

Not often do we find a landscape photograph possessing so much of what artists call “feeling,” as the excellent one by Hugh Neilson which adorns The Photographic Times this week. And how satisfactorily the picture fulfills the idea of the title! It is truly an “Indian Summer” scene. “The day was cloudy,” writes Mr. Neilson, “and the light very yellow. The haze in the ravine was so very dense that a long exposure was necessary to get any detail in that part. The scene is in a ravine within a few yards of our Necropolis [Toronto]. The small stream empties into the Don River. * * * * Toronto is growing so fast
that our amateurs find all the nice spots near the city are taken up with buildings, railroads, &c., and a train or steamer is required to convey them to suitable places for pursuing the art.” The picture was made, (Mr. Neilson further states), about half-past four in the afternoon of a beautiful day in the latter part of October, 1887. The exposure was fifteen seconds long, and the plate [a Cramer 30] was developed with pyro and soda. In reference to the photo-gravure, Mr. Neilson writes that he is much pleased with the reproduction from his negative. “At first,” he says, “I thought the color was almost too brown, but it
grows on one, and I now think gives a very good representation of the scene.”We understand that this picture has taken several prizes in photographic exhibitions, and has elicited a wide-spread admiration wherever shown, and we are sure our readers will appreciate its quiet beauty and natural charms.

Indian Summer

Image Dimensions20.1 x 15.0 cm | published November 1, 1889 | issue No. 424