Lady of the Lake

Lady of the Lake

Lady of the Lake was copyrighted by Samuel Adelstein on November 23, 1917, and is one of the artists best known works.  This is a 1925 print dedicated to Milton Arthur Bremer, 1874-1937, an early president of the San Francisco Stock Exchange.

Samuel Adelstein, ca. 1866-1934, was an active member of the California Camera Club whose pictorial works including a series of nude studies were published in Camera Craft in January, 1918 as part of his self-authored article: “An Enthusiast’s Experience”. The year before, the journal stated he was “an enthusiastic amateur photographer, a native son, a Director of the California Camera Club, and one of the Board of Governors of the Civic League of Improvement Clubs and Associations”. Immersing himself in the art of photography around 1916, he specialized in making enlargements (from sharp negatives) with a soft-focus Verito lens.

Lady of the Lake

Image Dimensions19.2 x 24.4 | 20.1 x 25.4 cm

Print Notes

Recto: signed in black ink by the artist at lower left corner © Samuel Adelstein

Verso:  In black ink in the hand of the artist: “To Mr Milton Bremer With my best wishes Sincerely Samuel Adelstein San Francisco July 30/25 (1925) “Lady of the Lake”; Samuel Adelstein Copyright blue ink stamp.


Purchased by this archive in February, 2020 from seller in San Quentin, California.


Camera Craft, January 1918, halftone, p. 5: variant crop: As Bends the Reeds