Lago di Misurina, The Tyrol.

Lago di Misurina, The Tyrol.

Lago di Misurina, The Tyrol was published as the frontis photogravure in the December, 1891 issue of The American Amateur Photographer. An editorial commentary opposite the plate gives specifics on it as well as for the plate November Days, reproduced opposite p. 485 in this issue as a full-page halftone plate:

Our Illustrations


IN GIVING illustrations of one man’s work, by two different processes, we are able to show their capabilities as regards details and artistic rendering, the preponderance of true reproduction resting, we think, with the photogravurer.

Mr. Alfred Stieglitz, the author of the two pictures, informs us that the title of the frontispiece is “Lago di Misurina,” a view of Swiss scenery, and was made with a nineteen-inch focus Steinheil Rapid Rectilinear.Lens f-321, with an exposure of three minutes on a Vogel Obernetter Eosine silver (orthochromatic) plate, without a yellow screen, at 5.30 P.M., in August, 1890. The plate was developed with hydroquinone. The mountains were about ten miles distant. It will be noticed how distinctly the clouds are brought out in the distance, one of the good features of these slow plates. The New York Photogravure Company reproduce this picture.

“November Days” is a view of a road near Munich, Bavaria, taken with a similar lens, an f—16 diaphragm, exposure one-half a minute, towards evening, on an Obernetter plate, developed with ferrous-oxalate. The reproduction is made by the Photochrome Engraving Company, and is an excellent specimen of the autotype process.
Few amateurs have had the study and experience it has been Mr. Stieglitz’s lot to enjoy. His pictures display careful and artistic work. He received a silver medal at the Fourth Annual Exhibition in May, and a bronze medal at the American Institute Fair Exhibition in November.  


titled within lower plate impression:

Lago di Misurina, The Tyrol.

Lago di Misurina, The Tyrol.

Image Dimensions9.7 x 14.0 cm

Support Dimensions16.2 x 24.7 cm