Le Pont Couvert, Pavia | The Covered Bridge, Pavia

Le Pont Couvert, Pavia | The Covered Bridge, Pavia

A woman carries her washings balanced on her head. Behind her can be seen others doing their washing on the shore of the Ticino river, with the Pont Couvert, or covered bridge, at background.

The volume Le Pictorialisme En France by Michel Poivert lists the artist Jacques Schneider, an amateur, as having been active between 1905-1913, and exhibiting in the Photo Club de Paris Salons of 1905, 1906, 1909, 1913. (p. 101)

The Ponte Coperto (“Covered Bridge”) or the Ponte Vecchio (“Old Bridge”) is a stone and brick arch bridge over the river Ticino in Pavia, Italy. The previous bridge, dating from 1354 (itself a replacement for a Roman construction), was heavily damaged by Allied action in 1945. A debate on whether to fix or replace the bridge ended when the bridge partially collapsed in 1947, requiring new construction, which began in 1949. The new bridge is based on the previous one, which had seven arches to the current bridge’s five. The current bridge, like its predecessor, bears a chapel. The Ponte Coperto was, until the nineteenth century, the only brick bridge over the Ticino from Lake Maggiore to its confluence with the Po. Wikipedia– (2024) continues…

Le Pont Couvert, Pavia | The Covered Bridge, Pavia

Image Dimensions14.6 x 20.0 cm tipped to mount | Lieferung 1 | First Issue

Support Dimensions34.5 x 26.6 cm brown colored paper

Print Notes

Recto: Engraved: l.l.: JACQUES SCHNEIDER, PARIS PAVIE  LE PONT COUVERT; within plate at l.r.: MR Co (atelier); on mount at l.r.: KP, for abbreviated name of journal.