Morgenstond | Morning

Morgenstond | Morning

J.J. Agema: b. 1879 – Amsterdam

Agema seems to have been a fairly prolific exhibitor in European salons. He is listed for example as having six entries in the  FIRST INTERNATIONAL SALON OF ART PHOTOGRAPHY THE HAGUE 1904 (EERSTE INTERNATIONALE SALON VAN KUNSTFOTOGRAFIE ‘s GRAVENHAGE 1904 ) entries: 634. Onstuimig meer. 635. Morgenstralen. (Morning Rays- possibly the photo seen here or variation) 636. Wintereenzaamheid. 637. Dooi.  638. Ruige vorst.  639. Door het ijs.

Editorial comment for this plate:

With the plate.   (translated)

“Morgenstond”, our plate for this issue, is made according to the negative provided for this purpose by Mr. J. J. Agema, Amsterdam. We hope that this recording will also be to your taste.

Morgenstond | Morning

Image Dimensions11.2 x 15.7 cm Published in issue No. 33, August 15, 1903

Support Dimensions16.0 x 23.9 cm

Exhibitions | Collections

Published: 1904: Individual plate: in: ‘Is Fotographie Kunst?’-Tweede Serie Van Twaalf Heliogravures naar Fotografieën (Second Series Of Twelve Heliogravures after Photographs.)