Pierrot Photographe

Pierrot Photographe

Félicia Mallet, (1863–1928) well known for playing the role of Pierrot in France, appears in this series of six photographs as the role of the famous pantomime clown taken by French photographer Arthur Gonsalvès Da Cunha. (1864-1913?)
Interestingly, she went on to play the role in the London stage production: A Pierrot’s Life, in matinees at the Prince of Wales Theatre the following year the plate was included in the Bulletin.

The following note by the editors of the Bulletin du Photo-Club de Paris for Pierrot Photographe appears near the end of the March issue on p. 135:

Notre Illustration

PIERROT PHOTOGRAPHE. — Cette série de clichés obtenus avec une Simili-Jumelle Zion 6 ½ x 9 est due à M. A. da Cunha. Mademoiselle Félicia Mallet avait bien voulu mimer une petite scène en six tableaux, que MM. FIllon et Heuse ont gracieusement reproduite, en héliogravure, pour nos lecteurs. Nous leur adressons tous nos remerciements.
Le tirage a été effectué dans les ateliers de M. Ch. Wittmann.

Pierrot Photographe

Image Dimensions14.5 x 18.7 cm (plate) | images: 5.7 x 4.3 cm & 5.7 x 5.4 cm March

Support Dimensions18.1 x 27.1 cm