Portrait of a Child

Portrait of a Child

Ohio native and amateur photographer Elizabeth Garst Stoltz (1863-1944)  attended the Clarence H. White School of Photography in New York City in 1917 & 1918. (1.) This photograph of an unknown subject was most likely done as a requirement for a portraiture assignment as part of the school curriculum.

print notes recto: signed in graphite at lower right corner of primary laid tissue-paper mount: Elizabeth G. Stoltz 1917. possibly a platinum print. (waxed)

print notes verso: signed in graphite on secondary mount:

title: Portrait of a Child.

Mrs. Elizabeth G. Stoltz
#230 East Eleventh St.
New York.  (this address struck through other than name)

in pen script:

233 North Main St.
Kenton Ohio
℅ Dr. W. A. Belt. (?)

provenance: Elizabeth G. Stoltz | Florida estate; purchased 2015

1. Background: Elizabeth G. Stoltz: records held in the Warren and Margo Coville Collection in the Prints & Photographs Division at the Library of Congress compiled by Kathleen A. Erwin: 2015 email to this website from LC curator Verna Curtis.

Portrait of a Child

Image Dimensions20.3 x 15.7 cm (waxed) glued along upper margin

Support DimensionsDetail: 33.3 x 24.2 cm laid tissue-paper | 35.6 x 28.0 cm cream-colored card stock