Portrait on Art Cyko Photographic Paper

Portrait on Art Cyko Photographic Paper

Manufactured by the Chicago-based Columbian Photo Paper company in Westfield, Massachusetts, which in turn had been acquired by the Anthony & Scovill Company of New York City (ANSCO) in early 1902, Cyko photographic paper was a bromide developing-out paper, (DOP) or “gaslight” paper. Since The Photographic Times-Bulletin itself was published by the Anthony & Scovill Company, it was in their economic interests to periodically supplement the journal with actual examples of their products. The January issue, in which this John Garo portrait appears, was printed directly onto a sheet of Art Cyko paper. 1902 advertisements for Cyko placed by the Anthony & Scovill Company make reference to the paper:

March, 1902: Cyko paper: in: The Photographic Times

Cykois the best and most reliable gaslight paper made. It is all that you could ask of such a paper. It gives beautiful platinum black-and-white effects, or by adding Cyko Toner to the developer red, brown or sepia tones as desired. The choice of six different kinds of paper (three surfaces, two speeds) enables you to get the very best picture your negative can possibly make.

May, 1902: Cyko paper: in: The Photographic Times-Bulletin

Art Cykoout-cykos even Cyko.  The paper is very heavy and produces the most beautiful of prints. 

Shortly after this portrait by Garo appeared, testimonials for Art Cyko began to appear in the pages of The Photographic Times-Bulletin. From the March, 1903 issue:

Providence, R. I., Feb. 15, 1903.
The Anthony & Scovill Co.
Gentlemen.—I received the sample of Art Cyko which you sent me. 1 am much pleased with it. The verdict from those who have seen the prints is, ” Just like platinum.”
Yours very truly,
A.S.H.  (1.)

And one enthusiastic photographer from Canada, with his name also only indicated by initials, wrote in mid-January in a letter published later in the journal’s April issue:

Sydney, Cape Breton, Canada, Jan. 15th, 1903.
Anthony & Scovill Co.
Dear Sirs:—The ” Art Cyko” and Smooth Portrait Cyko received O. K. I went into a photographer’s and picked out six ordinary negatives and printed them on “Art Cyko.” The results were all superb. The first print I made blistered a little as I used plain Hypo, but on adding a little Alum and Tannic Acid I got no more blisters. I do not care to send any of the pictures as you might offer me a position as demonstrator. I believe the Smooth Portrait Cyko is capable of giving softer effects from ordinary negatives than any other Developing Paper, but I have not yet given it a thorough trial.
Yours truly,
W —F —.  (2.)

1. Trade Notes: in: The Photographic Times-Bulletin: New York: March, 1903: p. 142
2. Trade Notes: in: The Photographic Times-Bulletin: New York: April, 1903: p. 189

Portrait on Art Cyko Photographic Paper

Image Dimensions15.9 x 11.0 cm January

Support Dimensions24.2 x 16.5.0 cm