Snow —Foreground Study

Snow —Foreground Study

Snow —Foreground Study is believed to date to 1897, when it was first exhibited as the lantern slide A Foreground Study in April during a group exhibition of work by members of the Camera Club in New York. Later in the year, it was re-titled  Foreground Snow Study and shown in the Forty-second Annual Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society in London. In 1899, it was exhibited as a framed photograph in the Second Annual Philadelphia Photographic Salon. (No. 284)

Alfred Stieglitz, however, towers above all other exhibitors in sympathetic treatment and technical perfection, “Snow, a Foreground Study ” is very fine, the shadows forming splendid lines of opposition to the trunks of trees, and the atmospheric effect in this picture is delightful.  (1.)

1. excerpt: Czara Ayres Johnson: Exhibit of the New York Camera Club: The Photographic Times: New York: July, 1900: p. 312

Snow —Foreground Study

Image Dimensions21.9 x 15.7 cm February

Support Dimensions 28.4 x 21.0 cm