

A review in the February 25, 1910 issue of The British Journal of Photography discusses the ten photogravure plates by Seeley included with Camera Work XXIX, singling out this study titled Spring with female model at the critique’s conclusion:

“Of the plates, the ten photogravures after photographs, by George H. Seeley, are remarkably rich examples of that idle sort of decorative toying with photography which “Camera Work” has always fostered. Mr. Seeley’s technical powers are very considerable. He is master enough to take great liberties with focussing, and does so with impunity; but the greatest enthusiast in art for art’s sake must admit that the subject-matter of Mr. Seeley’s work is trivial and tiresome. “Girl with Bowl” is well designed and of exquisite quality. “Autumn” introduces a tambourine and bulrushes, with an inexplicable pose of the model. “The White Screen” shows the lady out of doors, dappled with the shadow from a tree. This is a charming study in tones. Next follow two subjects introducing an artist’s palette—the first ridiculous and the next mystifying. Then comes a male nude of no attractions. “White Trees” and “Spring,” by their lightness and delicacy of tones, and the beauty of their suggestion, are, in our opinion, the best pictures of all. In the last two, the photographer’s title resources give out, and he contents himself with calling them No. 347 and No. 356. They do not suffer thereby. No. 356 is truly decorative, and shows us that Mr. Seeley has imbibed good ideas from the classics in painting.”  (p. 147)

note: there is slight confusion as to the above numbers: a flysheet in this issue of CW includes the pagination as plates VII (White Trees.) & VIII (Spring.)


Image Dimensions19.7 x 15.8 cm Japan-paper tissue gravure from Camera Work XXIX

Support Dimensions29.7 x 20.6 cm | 30.0 x 21.0 cm Enfield 1887 watermarked laid paper secondary mount