Study from Life

Study from Life

Editorial comment on this plate:

The portrait study from life which accompanies this number of The Photographic Times, comes from the studio of Ryder & Appleton, at Cleveland, Ohio. The negative itself was made by Mr. Appleton, President of the Photographers’ Association of America. The picture was exhibited at Boston, last year, and with the others which Mr. Appleton exhibited at that time, did much to increase the reputation as an artist of the first class, which Mr. Appleton has been steadily gaining for the past few years. “I am only a student,” he modestly writes, however, “and am as eager for knowledge as the youngest tyro. My methods would be hard to describe, as 1 work largely from inspiration and keep at it until I succeed to a fair degree. My work always falls far short of the ideal in my mind, of course, though to no one are the short-comings more apparent than to myself. We hope to have something for our next convention that will be of benefit to all; but it is rather early, as yet, for promises.”
The present example of Mr. Appleton’s work will benefit all who see it, by the graceful posing and soft yet effective lighting which it exhibits.

Study from Life

Image Dimensions17.4 x 10.2 cm | published February 28, 1890 | issue No. 441

Support Dimensionsdetail: 28.7 x 20.5 cm