Sunset at Davos Platz

PhotographerHenry Abercrombie Roome


MediumPhotogravure: Engraving

VolumeSunshine and Shadow

AtelierWalter L. Colls (London)


View Additional Information & Tags

Buildings, Cityscape, Ice, Landscape, Mountains, Landscape, Winter, Snow


Image Dimensions: 11.6 x 17.8 cm
Support Dimensions: 24.2 x 31.6 cm

The following untitled poem on a separate letterpress page by Percy Bysshe Shelley accompanies the plate Sunset at Davos Platz:

Winter came : the wind was his whip :
One choppy finger was on his lip :
He had torn the cataracts from the hills,
And they clanked at his girdle like manacles;
His breath was a chain that without a sound
The earth, and the air, and the water bound;
He came, fiercely driven in his chariot-throne
By the ten-fold blast of the Arctic zone.

P. B. Shelley.


✻ titled in plate: Sunset at Davos.

Sunset at Davos Platz