The Day’s Work Done

The Day’s Work Done

Editorial comments on this plate:

One of the figure pictures that attracted a great deal of attention and favorable comment at the late Boston Convention of the Photographers’ Association of America, was the one by Messrs. Monfort & Hill, of Burlington, Iowa, which accompanies this issue of The Photographic Times. It is a study from life, which represents a certain phase of life as only a photograph can. But the skill of the photographers in the posing, lighting, and treatment of the subject, has made it more than a mere photograph from life — it is an effective picture and one worthy an artist using any class of utensils for executing his conceptions. The picture can be studied with great profit, and reveals the more the closer it is examined.
Messrs. Monfort & Hill write that “in selecting this subject the idea was entirely original. We saw him actually returning from his work, and made a bargain with him to come to the gallery the following day. Of course he came to earn his two dollars which was offered him, and it was a very difficult task to pose him so that he might look and act his part. We think we must have succeeded, as the picture has been greatly admired by every one. There was no support or rest used; the exposure was about a second long. Of course you are aware the picture is copyrighted, and you have our permission to publish it.”
Referring to the reproduction in photo-gravure, the artists continue, “it could not be better.” We are sure are readers will agree with Messrs. Monfort & Hill!

This Burlington, Iowa studio was comprised of Aschylus William Monfort & George Hill.

The Day’s Work Done

Image Dimensions16.7 x 13.6 cm | published October 24, 1890 | issue No. 475

Support Dimensions28.7 x 20.5 cm