The First Lesson in Whittling

The First Lesson in Whittling

Editorial comments on this plate:

The charming figure picture which we present with this issue of the magazine was made by Mr. John H. Tarbell, an amateur of New York City. “It was taken on a recent trip made to New Hampshire,” writes Mr. Tarbell, “in a little obscure town about twenty-five miles from Concord. The quaint old house in the background struck me as being very picturesque, and having made the acquaintance of the two children, I induced them to pose for me in front of the old structure. It was a happy thought that I suggested to the boy that he try whittling a stick, for where is the boy, and more especially one from New Hampshire, who does not know how to perform that operation with dexterity? He took the pose naturally. The girl was tried in several different attitudes, and the position indicated in the picture was at last decided upon. In two seconds it was done, but the children stood rigidly, and had to be shouted at before they could be made to understand that they were at liberty to go wherever they wished. I showed this picture to Mr. H. P. Robinson on my recent trip to England,* and he seemed to prefer it to any of the series which I had with me.” Certainly Mr. Robinson’s approval of a picture entitles it to a place in this magazine.

The First Lesson in Whittling

Image Dimensions14.8 x 20.3 cm | published December 26, 1890 | issue No. 484

Support Dimensions20.5 x 28.7 cm