The Lily Pond

The Lily Pond

This example of a double-mounted exhibition print of The Lily Pond by Peterson, most likely taken in 1905 as it was first exhibited in the Second American Photographic Salon (1.) held in New York City in December of that year, was well-received in the photographic press. It was featured as the full-page frontis halftone for the April, 1906 edition of The Photographic Times and commented on very late in 1905 by the Photo-Era:

“The Lily Pond,” by J. R. Peterson, is a unique foreground study. The interest is centered on the single lily resting upon the water near the bottom of the print. From this point the eye is carried up into the picture by a graceful curve of single lilies to the middle distance and the background beyond, which is thrown sufficiently out of focus to produce a separation of planes and the effect of distance. Here the soft gray tones of the sky claim our attention and we note how they have been repeated throughout the picture. The clump of marsh grass rising in the lower right hand corner successfully breaks an otherwise monotonous water level.  (2.)

print details: verso of primary support: titled in Peterson’s hand in graphite:

J R Peterson
46 Exchange St
Portland Me

verso of secondary support: titled in Peterson’s hand in black ink:

The Lily Pond
J R Peterson

214 Eastern Promenade (?)
Portland Me (these details in graphite)

1. The deadline for entries to the Second American Photographic Salon, held under the auspices of the American Federation of Photographic Societies, was Oct. 31, 1905. After its New York debut, the show traveled to other cities, including Boston, MA and Toledo, OH.
2. excerpt: Our Illustrations: Evaire H. Cummings: in: Photo Era: American Journal of Photography: Boston, MA: November, 1905, p. 171

The Lily Pond

Image Dimensions16.3 x 11.8 cm | spot-glued to corners of primary mount

Support Dimensions29.7 x 22.8 cm | 25.2 x 19.6 cm (tipped)