The Loophole of Retreat

The Loophole of Retreat

The following editorial comment regarding this plate appears on p. 339:


The present issue contains an article on the rights and remedies of persons who produce photographs, photogravures, engravings and kindred art forms under the copyright law. It is from the pen of Wm. Geo. Oppenheim, Esq., a member of the New York Bar and a practitioner in the Supreme Court of the United States in close touch with the subject of copyright law. We believe that the article and those to follow will be of assistance and value to both professionals and amateurs.
We are not immodest in claiming that such a series of articles is a new departure in the field of photographic magazine literature.


The frontispiece is a photogravure produced from a negative made by the same gentleman, at Peak’s Island, at Portland, Me. Mr. Oppenheim was desirous of illustrating Cowper’s lines:


” ‘Tis pleasant through the loopholes of Retreat
To see the stir of the great Babel and not feel the crowd,
To hear the roar she sends thro’ all her gates
At a safe distance, where the dying sound
Falls a soft murmur on th’ uninjur’d ear.


We think he has succeeded.


Ironically, 3 years after this photograph appeared in the Photographic Times in 1897, Oppenheim, a former treasurer of and member of the American Authors’ Guild, was accused by Guild members of claiming authorship for the volume “The Monk of Cruta” written by  Englishman E. Phillips Oppenheim.

The Loophole of Retreat

Image Dimensions15.5 x 21.0 cm June 1, 1894: Vol. XXIV, No. 663

Support Dimensions21.5 x 29.0 cm