The Shot that did not Kill

The Shot that did not Kill

Shown is a Bull Elk. (Cervus canadensis) The title provides an early reference to shooting with a camera versus a firearm.

Arus S. Williams was from Minneapolis, Minnesota at the time this portfolio was published.

Arus S. Williams: 1846-1911


Williams cited in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune


Perhaps the pioneer in the exploitation of the artistic setting of Minneapolis was the late Arus Williams, who for many years rambled from lake to lake and resort to resort with his heavy cameras, and whose artistic photographs have been copied and exhibited by moving picture film makers and as artistic lantern slices in many countries. Mr. Williams came here from the East when Minneapolis was in her infancy, and his photographic reproductions were for many years the only ones. He photographed Lake Minnetonka in all its moods and caprices. When the postcard novelty became a fad Williams was the first to place his views on the market, and many lake resorts which now are appreciated by Minneapolitans first were discovered and described by the camera of the artist. (Source: Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, May 21, 1911 via Postcardy 2.0 online resource accessed April, 2018)

In 1908, the following notice appeared in the annual bulletin for the University of Minnesota, of which the photographer was a graduate:
Mr. Arus S. Williams, of Minneapolis, has given to the University his extensive collection of negatives and photographs. During many years of active work as a photographer, he has collected a series of several thousand plates representing geologic and geographic subjects, commercial views and historic scenes. These will prove of great value in illustrating the physical, commercial, and political history of the state. They are recognized as the A. S. Williams Collection of Photographs and Photographic Negatives.


Published: Arus Williams provided the photographs for the 1896 volume: Minneapolis through a camera : showing some of her public buildings, parks, boulevards, lakes and residences, also a brief historical sketch and facts showing the phenomenal growth in population and wealth, also the rapid development of her industrial, mercantile, financial and educational institutions.

The Shot that did not Kill

Image Dimensions20.0 x 14.6 cm tipped along upper margin

Support Dimensions35.4 x 27.8 cm