The Washington Calendar

The Washington Calendar

Editorial Comment for this plate:


It seems eminently proper that the number of THE PHOTOGRAPHIC TIMES issuing on the 22d of February (Washington’s Birthday) should be embellished by a reproduction from the “Calendar” which depicts the home and haunts of Washington. We trust that the fact that this “Calendar” was the one presented with the compliments of THE PHOTOGRAPHIC TIMES itself, early in the year, will not detract from the interest of our illustration this week. Our publishers would have been pleased to have presented every reader of THE PHOTOGRAPHIC TIMES with an original “Calendar,” and had they known that the demand would be so great, they would certainly have issued a larger edition of them. As it is, they do the best they can in presenting every reader of THE PHOTOGRAPHIC TIMES with a gelatine print fac-simile of the “Calendar,” trusting that next year there will be enough of the “Calendars” themselves for all who desire them.

The fact that next April will be celebrated the centennial of Washington’s inauguration as first President of the United States, lends an added interest to this “Calendar” and the reproduction from it.

The titles of the various pictures composing the group are sufficient explanation of the illustrations. No American is so ignorant of the leading facts in the life of the Father of his Country as to require further description from us. In a later issue we expect to present equally good illustrations from negatives of other “homes and haunts” made famous by the first great President. (p. 101)

The Washington Calendar

Image Dimensions17.3 x 16.2 cm plate published in Supplement for February 22, 1889 issue

Support Dimensions28.6 x 20.5 cm