W.J. Stillman

W.J. Stillman

Editorial comment on this plate:

In our issue of September 9th, 1887, there appeared a photo-engraved portrait, from a pen and-ink drawing, of W. J. Stillman. The drawing was made from a paper negative, which Mr. Stillman had himself developed, and which he sent to us by mail from Rome. That portrait was by no means satisfactory to Mr. Stillman’s friends, and we are therefore very glad to present them this week with a photo-gravure made direct from a photographic negative which gives a more characteristic likeness of the man. This negative was made in The Photographic Times studio by Prof. Ehrmann, about two years ago. It was the last one made in this country. Since that time Mr. Stillman has been for the most part occupied at Rome and in Greece with his duties as Eastern correspondent of the London Times. His occasional contributions to The Photographic Times testify to his continued interest in photography. In it, he has long been known as a skillful practical worker, an original experimenter, and a successful inventor; while his sensible papers on the Art Side of Photography, have shown him to be a true artist as well. He was for many years a valued landscape painter, the pupil of Turner, the disciple and friend of Ruskin. He has always been a writer. In the issue which contained the photo-engraved portrait, above alluded to, was a brief biographical sketch, to which the interested are referred at this time.

Not shown here: facsimile autograph of J.N. Stillman within plate impression at lower right margin.

W.J. Stillman

Image Dimensions17.0 x 12.9 cm (including tinted background) | published May 23, 1890 | issue No. 453

Support Dimensions28.7 x 20.5 cm