Woodcut Column Embellishments: Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie

Woodcut Column Embellishments: Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie

These are examples of the four different editorial column embellishments used throughout weekly issues from 1903 of the dutch photographic journal Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie. From top left to right and clockwise: Criticism- “Voor De Critiek”, Question Box – “Vragenbus”, Variety- “Verscheidenheid” (with a stylized camera on tripod embedded within this design), Photographic Novelties- “Fotografische Nieuwigheden”- the design showing stylized sunflowers, a common motif in the presentation of pictorial photography in journals of this period. At bottom left shows a detail of the cover design in its original green Nieuwe Kunst (Art Nouveau) publishers binding for the journal. (this fine example from 1906) For now, the designer for these woodcuts and cover design remains unknown. Most likely a Dutch artist, he or she has left a small monogram, believed to read: FJZ, in the lower left corner of each woodcut, and on the cover, integrated into the design itself.  It is located just to the left of the bloom pointing to “Voor” at the center of the binding. If you know the artist or have insight please contact us and we will update this page and give you credit, should you want.  

Woodcut Column Embellishments: Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Fotografie

Image Dimensionsvarious: 4.0 x 6.0 cm column embellishments