Worker in an Explosion of Light

Worker in an Explosion of Light

Worker in an Explosion of Light, showing a worker in an industrial landscape holding a sledge hammer and with his back to a wall of fractured light rays, is a linocut included in the artist’s proposed folio titled: Sehnsucht nach Licht (Yearning for Light) : 8 Original Linoleum schnitte von Emerich Göndör (8 original Linoleum cuts by Emerich Göndör) which was to be published in Vienna, Austria but not believed to have been issued other than an incomplete copy held by this archive (7 of 8 plates) as well as the full compliment (including one of the artist dated  25 in the plate) held by the Leo Baeck Institute for Jewish Studies in New York City.

Print notes: small losses along right margin of primary support as well as several short closed tears into impression on right margin; signed in graphite at lower left: Original Linoleumschnitt; signed in graphite at lower right corner: Göndör 1925; signed within impression at lower right GÖ 23.

Title assigned by Leo Baeck Institute LBI Art Collection: see Call/Accession Number: 2002.25f

Worker in an Explosion of Light

Image Dimensions20.0 x 18.5 cm impression

Support Dimensions28.8 x 25.0 cm