A Fish Story

A Fish Story

Editorial comment on this plate:

It now being the season for fishing, the accompanying picture of a “A Fish Story,” by Mr. C. H. Gallup, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., will be especially appropriate at this time. The picture tells its own story unusually well. There is no need of a word of explanation. And what praise can be higher than that for a picture of this class? Of course, it is copyrighted, and Mr. Gallup tells us he has received repeated solicitations to publish it, with a companion which he has made, in illustrated publications. It has proved very popular wherever shown, and an immense number of copies have been ordered. We might add that the gentleman telling the story is Mr. Gallup himself. Of course the fish which he caught, but which got away, was as large as Mr. Gallup’s gesture indicates.

A Fish Story

Image Dimensions14.3 x 18.0 cm | published July 4, 1890 | issue No. 459

Support Dimensions20.5 x 28.7 cm