Portrait of a Girl

Portrait of a Girl

Editorial comment published with this plate:

The Portrait of a Girl

WE take pleasure in presenting our readers this week with a beautiful Portrait of a Girl, by James L. Breese, member of the New York Camera Club. Simply posed and lighted, and with the plainest of backgrounds, this charming portrait is all the more beautiful and effective. It shows what can be done by a skilful amateur with such opportunities as may be found in a home. It is not only an excellent likeness of the subject, but a most attractive picture at the same time. And that is what every portrait should be.  (p. 529)

Portrait of a Girl was also titled “Portrait of a Child”, and reproduced as a full-page halftone in the February, 1892 issue of the Cosmopolitan magazine, one of the illustrations for Clarence Moore’s article titled: “Leading Amateurs in Photography”. (p. 423)

-grain-pattern may indicate this being a photogravure, although the thin paper stock of this plate is more consistent with colltype work done by the New York Photogravure Co.

Portrait of a Girl

Image Dimensions17.2 x 13.5 cm Friday, October 21, 1892

Support Dimensions25.0 x 18.7 cm trimmed: moderately thin, coated, cream-colored paper