Weibliches Bildnis | Female Portrait

Weibliches Bildnis | Female Portrait

A model or young woman from society wears the latest fashions- in an outdoor setting- including a hat featuring feathers and metallic brooch on her lapel.

The Count of Pradère was admitted a member of the SOCIÉTÉ FRANÇAISE DE PHOTOGRAPHIE (French Society of Photography) in November, 1895. (1.)

Daniel Carballo y Prat: 1867-1933

Diplomat: Collector of Paintings, Tango enthusiast, Amateur Photographer

Excerpt: Known as the Count of Pradère,  (Comte de Pradère) his online biography at Real Academia De La Historia reveals a remarkable globe-trotting life: (translated)

Carballo y Prat, Daniel. Count of Pradère (13th century), in France. Lisbon (Portugal), 9.X.1867 – Madrid, 19.IV.1933. Diplomat and collector of paintings.

He was the youngest of the two sons and a daughter of Daniel Carballo y Codesido, senator for La Coruña, and Luisa de Prat y Yandiola, Marchioness of Barbançon.

He entered the diplomatic service in 1887. Posted in Paris, he seems to have been, according to André de Fouquières, one of the introducers of the tango in that city in 1895, together with “a son of the Marquis of Muni [the ambassador in Paris, Fernando de León y Castillo], called Tinito”, dancing it at the home of Mrs. Yturbe. He was chargé d’affaires in London (from 24 May 1906 to 12 June 1906), a post he held until 1907 as secretary, where he had been an attaché, and to which he returned between 1923 and 1925 as resident minister and counsellor; that is, what is now called minister-counselor. He was also extraordinary envoy and minister plenipotentiary in Prague (1925-1926) and in The Hague (1926-1931). He was appointed to the latter post before Queen Wilhelmina on 14 June 1926 by Alfonso XIII and took up his post on 1 July of the following year.

1. Bulletin de la Société française de photographie p. 529

Weibliches Bildnis | Female Portrait

Image Dimensions15.6 x 10.5 cm Plate #25

Support Dimensions48.5 x 35.2 cm

Print Notes

Recto: Engraved at u.r. corner outside image: Photographische Gesellschaft Berlin 1897; foxing to area of left margin within image; lacking engraved tissue guard.

Exhibitions | Collections

CollectionsMuseum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg: Frau mit Hut(Woman with hat) Albumen print, ca. 1896: inventory #AB 1988.532 collection Juhl.