Cover: Photographs of the Year 1891

Photographs of the Year 1891

The Photographic Society of Great Britain 1891 Salon Portfolio

The Photographic Society of Great Britain (forerunner of the RPS) issued this portfolio in a laid-paper folder featuring eight pages of letterpress written by Henry Peach Robinson with commentary on the society’s 1891 annual salon as well as 12 individually mounted Woodbury gravure plates selected from the exhibition. A luxury item in its day, it was originally priced at 10s. 6d., (10 shillings, 6 pence or a half-guinea). English publisher Hazell, Watson & Viney issued the work with the plates done in the newly patented process by the Woodbury Permanent Photographic Printing Co. of London with works at Castle Bar in Ealing.

The monochrome reproductions, according to a full-page advertisement in the rear of the catalogue, “have in nearly every case” been reproduced from photographs”, were selected by Charles W. Hastings, the editor of the “Amateur Photographer,” “Photographic Reporter,” “Photographic Quarterly,” etc.

Ownership label of Janie N. Hignett to lower front cover. Hignett, b. 1858, of Chester England, was a Governess and amateur photographer listed as having exhibited in the 1891 Glasgow and Liverpool International Photographic Exhibitions where she earned bronze medals. She also exhibited in the Photographic Society exhibitions from 1893-95 and was an RPS member from 1894-95. (note: the forerunner of the RPS which took on the royal imprint in 1894 was the Photographic Society of Great Britain)

The following details are learned from the website: Exhibitions of the Royal Photographic Society 1870-1915:

1891 [Thirty-sixth] Photographic Society of Great Britain Exhibition

– Held at 5A, Pall Mall East from 28 September to 12 November, describing 752 exhibits by 185 exhibitors.

Judges and Selecting and Hanging Committee Members:

Austin, J. E.,  · Hollyer, F.,  · Newman, P. H.,  · Sutcliffe, F. M.,  · Wellington, J. B. B.,

Note: Plates, letterpress, etc. from this group exhibition are listed under the year 1892 for publication date by this website due to the time necessary to produce the work given the Pall Mall Exhibit took place late in the year 1891.