Beside the Pacific

Beside the Pacific

Beside the Pacific, dating to 1922, is the artist’s stock #471 as listed by another photogravure example on Japanese gampi paper seen in this archive. This view shows a cypress tree, with the Pacific Ocean beyond, taken along the famed Seventeen Mile Drive on the Monterey, California coastline. The work is hand-colored, with the addition of “stars” in “night” sky, and may be what the artist described as a “miniature print”. The date of this print may also date a bit later, to 1926, when Wheeler exhibited some of her photographs from Atmospheric Studies (1.)  at Paul Elder & Company, a San Francisco bookseller & publisher. A review of this show brings up the aforementioned “miniature prints”:

A painter turned photographer will occupy the attention of the visitors at the Paul Elder Gallery October 25 to November 6. Miss Cleora Clark Wheeler, of St. Paul, Minnesota, gained a reputation as a painter before she took up photography as her medium. As a result, her prints have a feeling of conscious design and a quality of painting. Those exhibited at Paul Elder’s will be some of her atmospheric studies of California scenes and a group of miniature prints from copper plates. (2.) 

The following was a description of Wheeler’s miniature prints that accompanied the 1922 St. Paul show Atmospheric Studies:


Made by hand from copper plates. See sample book at desk.

Prints on Japanese tissue ……$1.00

No.  50,  No. 60, No. 63, colored ink, with

envelope …………………………… .50

Folders tinted to order, with envelope $.40 and  .50

Same without tinting ………… .15

Card without tinting …………. .10

1. During her time as a working artist, Wheeler had exhibitions throughout Minnesota, including one in St. Paul that yielded the monograph “Atmospheric studies : an exhibition of the work of Cleora Clark Wheeler, June 1-15, 1922.

2. Review: Bret Harte’s Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine for November, 1926.

Beside the Pacific

Image Dimensions10.2 x 7.7 cm gravure impression within embossed window

Support Dimensions23.4 x 18.4 cm manilla cardstock

Print Notes

Recto: titled and signed by the artist in graphite in lower margin of impressed window mount: Beside the Pacific     Cleora Wheeler; some offsetting from another print on margins of mount.


Purchased for this archive in November, 2022 from a dealer in Federal Way, Washington. (USA)