Bolton Abbey

Bolton Abbey

Located in North Yorkshire, the historical remains of Bolton Abbey (monastery) date to the middle ages.

At the heart of Bolton Abbey Estate lies the Priory Church and Ruins of an Augustinian Priory in its beautiful riverside setting. The land was gifted to the Augustinian canons by Alice de Rumilly in 1154. The canons lived and worshipped here until 1539 when the dissolution of the monasteries stripped the Priory of its assets. History lovers will enjoy the story of Prior Moone and how he negotiated with Cromwell to secure the nave as a place of worship for the local community and how the church continues to thrive to this day.  Bolton Abbey Estate (2024)

Charles S. Baynton:  1866-1926

C.S. Baynton was an accomplished amateur photographer who specialized in architectural work. He was a long-standing member of the Birmingham Photographic Society. “Baynton originally wanted to be a doctor, but then switched to chemistry. Due to his great interest in photography, he opened a specialist photography shop in Birmingham in 1891. Soon after, he became a member of the Birmingham Photographic Society. He was one of the first photography dealers to sell the Kodak box.” (1.)

C. S. Baynton established his retail photographic supply firm in 1891. It was located at Exchange Buildings, New Street, Birmingham. In 1894 Baynton purchased the business of Samuel Hulme, another Birmingham dealer. The only known camera produced by Baynton is a wood field camera bearing his name. C. S. Baynton died in 1926. The Baynton camera is estimated to have been produced around 1895. It is a stand camera constructed of mahogany with precision dovetail joints and a square cornered leather bellows. It was front focusing and trimmed in brass. It had rear tilt and the body can be disconnected from the baseboard and moved forwards onto two lugs for wide angle work. (2.)

1. Biography: C.J. Baynton (sic) : Kunstphotographie Um 1900: Die Sammlung Ernst Juhl; Hamburg: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 1989, p. 184

2.  Baynton, C. S: Historic Camera online resource accessed September, 2024.

Bolton Abbey

Image Dimensions15.8 x 20.7 cm Plate #10

Support Dimensions35.2 x 48.5 cm shown cropped to plate marks

Print Notes

Recto: Engraved at u.r. corner outside image: Photographische Gesellschaft Berlin 1897; missing engraved tissue guard.

Exhibitions | Collections

1897: CLASS VII. ARCHITECTURAL (exterior) C. S. Baynton takes both SILVER and BRONZE MEDALS; the former with a view of Bolton Abbey (271), and the latter for another (272), also at the same place, though each was different and each really beautiful examples of the splendid studies that delightful ruin affords. Mr. Baynton has certainly great taste in architectural work, and his technical methods are of the highest class.- Twelfth Annual Exhibition: Birmingham Photographic Society: Photography: May 13, 1897, p. 302

1898: Bolton Abbey: Photographs shown as part of Birmingham Photographic Society prints exhibited at the Royal Photographic Society’s International Exhibition at the Crystal Palace.

Collections: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg: heliogravure from Nach der Natur: inventory # AB 1988.H816Juhl collection